Field Rules for Rifle and Pistol:
- Firearms must be unloaded with the breech open when brought on the range, or while persons are downrange.
- Must wear ear and eye protection to shoot at the range.
- Steel shot only for all traps. This can be purchased in the Gun Smoke Gift Shop. Lead shot is allowed on the range.
- Do not handle firearm while people are down range.
- Shooting prohibited except during officially supervised hours.
- Intoxicants and horseplay are prohibited.
- Shoot at approved targets only.
- Illegal firearms are prohibited.
- Must follow the Rangemaster's directions and announcements of "Fire" and "Cease Fire."
- Shooting intervals are 15 minutes or at the discretion of the Rangemaster.
- Shoot only from the firing line, and respect the rights of others.
- Notify the Rangemaster for any assistance or for any malfunction.
- Do not go down range unless told to do so by the Rangemaster.
- No holsters allowed at the range.
- Empty brass becomes property of the Clear Creek Gun Range, but you may collect your own brass.
- Firearms must be pointed down range at all times.
- Do not point any firearm at any person whether the firearm is loaded or unloaded.
- Keep the action open and the gun unloaded until ready to use.
- Know how the gun operates.
- Be sure your gun and ammunition are compatible.
- Be sure of your target and what is beyond.
- Clear Creek Gun Range will not be responsible for any accidental injuries, lost items, defectiveor malfunctions of firearms or ammunition.
- Positive identification is required.
- Rangemaster has the authority to evict anyone from the shooting range for any violation of theserules without refund.
- No profane or abusive language.
- Shoes and shirt must be worn.
- All minors 17 years or younger will be accompanied by a parent or guardian. While the minor is firingor handling a firearm, the parent or guardian will stay within the immediate area and will not fire orhandle another firearm.
- You can have a loaded gun in your car, at home or work with permission without a permit but youcannot have it on your person without a permit.
- You can carry the gun from your car to the range to practice shooting and attend the class, butyou can't carry the gun in your pocket.